Kabura Zakama
My mission is to inspire a love of writing with a focus on Poetry.
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Kabura Zakama is a poet and promoter of writing in indigenous languages. He is the author of two poetry collections and contributor to several anthologies. He was the first poet in Northern Nigeria to win the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) Poetry Prize in 1999.
Kabura Zakama’s writing is based around his interest in the lived experiences of ordinary Nigerians and tries to amplify their chants in ‘anger’ poems. His first collection of poems, The Man Lived, was published by Kairos Productions in 2004.
The latest from ANA's best selling author.
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In 1999, he won the Association of Nigerian Authors ANA Poetry Prize for his collection of poems, The Man Lived.

Chant of the Angry is the correct title for this collection. Zakama's words are stirring and conjure images of corrupt politicians, poor streets, and desperate people trying to survive. It makes you feel for the people of Nigeria, and it makes you...well, angry. It makes one feel introspective, in a way that I believe is healthy for us to experience. Any activist or would-be activist who loves poetry will love this book.
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